So Lil J is now 2 years old. The big 24 months is upon us. Time has certainly flown!
He is now 35" tall ( 50-75%), weighs 30.8 lbs ( 75-90%), & has a head circumerence of 20" ( 90-95%).
He is now old enough to do the height predictor calculator, so I did it--just for fun really. The prediction is that he will be 6 feet tall at the age of 18, but it comments that most boys continue growing slightly more until the age of 21.
I have to say that the 23rd month was VERY interesting. He is definitely in the midst of the so-called "terrible two's" now, I am dealing with LOTS of temper tantrums on a regular basis now. But I am just blown away at how well he has learned to communicate his wants & needs at this point. And I am even more blown away at how much he is comprehending. I will give an example of this in just a moment.
He is totally obsessed with cars & trains ("choo choos") & trucks & planes these days. He seems to have forgotten all those flashy noise-making toys, at least most of the time. Occasionally he will pull one out & play with it, but not very often. He does still like the alphabet bus one, but that's mostly because it has wheels & looks similar to a train. He also really enjoys the "wheels on the bus" song that it plays.
He also really enjoys his books now. He likes to look at them & say the words to what he recognizes in the book. He can clearly recognize the word "clap", there is no question about it, he can look at just the word & no photos or anything else & will respond by clapping & will sometimes say the word "clap".
I haven't focused a whole lot on colors & numbers yet, but I think I need to start that soon.
As for that example I was going to give: for a while now he likes to turn his cars upside down & then I say "whaaaat?" "cars don't go like THAT!!" It's just a silly little game that we play & he LOOOVES it so. So the other day hubby, J, & I were out having lunch & I was telling hubby about the game & how much I enjoy it & how much J enjoys it too. I can't believe how he laughs when we play this game. J usually initiates the game himself & he originally started it too, but now sometimes I initiate it too. So I'm telling hubby about it & suddenly J gets this huge grin on his face & he turns his snack cup upside down & starts LAUGHING, waiting for me to react. It was clear that he knew exactly what I was saying to hubby, which totally shocked both of us!
This is what we got him for his birthday:
Lil J's birthday present
And here's a pic of his birthday cake I made for him: (sorry it's side-ways, don't know how to fix that on here....)
Yesterday I had to put him on a time-out. After a time-out I always hold him in my arms & talk about WHY he had to go on a time-out, what he SHOULD have done that would've prevented it, & what he can do NEXT time to prevent it. And of course I reassure him of how much I love him. But yesterday was the first time ever he looked up at me & said "I sorry". It was soooo touching.
I think that's all the updates I have for now......I am wondering how long I should keep up these monthly J update anyone still interested in reading them? Input would be appreciated.
4 days ago