So tomorrow I will be 34 weeks--6 more weeks to go. So this is when my sister was born, she was a premie, 6 weeks early. Once again I must say I do feel relief to know that with each passing week the baby has an even better chance of being complication-free if it were to arrive at that time. My sister did have to stay in the hospital longer than my mother, until she weighed 4 lbs I believe, but aside from that I've never been aware of any complications with her at brother & I were not premies, although since I was a scheduled C-section they do plan it 'slightly' early so that the mom doesn't go into labor. I did have jaundice as a baby & I do wonder if it isn't because they took me a little early...........I was also tongue-tied, but those are the only two issues I know of with myself at birth.
I am still tired, still very short of breath. I have A LOT of phlegm (sorry if that's TMI)--I know it's partly just a normal course of pregnancy, due to the effect of the hormones on the mucous membranes, but I know it's also cuz I'm craving & eating so much dairy foods. But everyone thinks I am sick even though I'm really not. I did have some swelling in my hands & moreso in my feet this past week. It was funny cuz I was reading the 33 week email last Sunday morning prior to going to church. It mentioned about the swelling & that your hands might appear wrinkly. As I read it I looked at my hands & thought "nope, not yet anyways". Then while we're driving to church hubby shows me his hands--they were puffy & wrinkly, almost like if you stay in the bath too long. It was soooo weird cuz I had just finished reading that email........I told him maybe he was getting 'sympathy swelling' for me, LOL!! Neither of us ever understood why he had that, it went away later in the day. And then later I noticed I was starting to get some swelling, my wedding ring was a little tight & I had puffy feet with a line where my slippers goes across. I also had EXTREMELY painful feet for a while there--mostly around the edges of my heels. It was really, really bad & I couldn't understand it & nowhere in my reading did it mention this as an issue during pregnancy. But I did have to admit that my slippers were pretty worn out (I was planning to switch to new ones once we get our floors done--never expected that to take THIS LONG--and was going to take this current pair to the hospital when I have the baby & then toss them--don't want to bring hospital floor germs home with me, ewww!!) I finally broke down & bought a new pair of cheapie slippers at WalMart & my feet are feeling much better for it. So then I guess this new pair I bought I will take to the hospital & then toss...........kinda a waste of money, but ho hum.........this whole house mess/insurance thing is soooo irritating..........
I can't really think of much else pregnancy related............we got our coupon to complete our registry for 10% off. I need to sit down with hubby & decide what we buy right now for 10% off & what we can wait on for later. We have most of the small items, it's mostly the big stuff that we still need & most of that is pretty crucial (crib, stroller, carseat). Once that stuff is purchased it will be a big load off for me. And once we get paint & carpet & start setting stuff up for the baby that will be an even bigger relief. I really want to be able to come home from the hospital & have everything organized & ready to go. We've discusssed how to set up our room & closet & we came up with some really good ideas I think--I just hope they work out as well as we're planning.
As for Jardin Buendia--still just waiting for seeds to sprout. This weekend I plan to have hubby remove the old herb pots & then I can plant a few more seeds in the garden (where the pots were taking up space) & set up the new window boxes for the herbs in the garden area. I am really excited about the garden, can't wait for things to start sprouting!!
As for Casa Buendia--we got one of the two remaining checks & gave it to our contractor. The other one is still in the hands of our mortgage company, they want to come out, inspect the house, & then release the money to us. This is the first money we have given him, he has been waiting a long time for this--I am sure he is frustrated just as we are, although he isn't living in the middle of it all, ALTHOUGH he does live in Yorba Linda where the fires also hit after our community (just off of Gypsum Canyon Rd) & he did get a lot of smoke damage as well & they are actually living much like we are these days (we've been to his house a couple of times), so I'm sure he does feel our pain. Hopefully very soon we can get going on the remaining work & I am praying it's done by the end of this month at the absolute latest.
And tomorrow I am trying to pull off a surprise late bday party for hubby, that's why I'm posting this blog a day early. I have never tried to do this before--it seems like every year there's some reason why I can't do it & I feel really bad about that, especially cuz he's done it for my bday several times now. This year I wasn't going to because our house is a disaster & I'm pregnant (it's a lot of work to cook for so many people) & the weekend of his bday (last weekend) we were sooooo busy. But I felt so bad about it that I decided to try to pull off a late party, I hope all turns out well. I have people brining side dishes & I ordered rotisserie chickens to keep the amount of kitchen work down & I can always sit on a stool to do the work that's left. My biggest challenge will be tomorrow morning--I have to go pick up the 5 first of all I have to explain that I'm leaving to go somewhere (it's extremely rare that hubby & I go anywhere without each other if we're both home) & then I have to come home with 5 chickens & either try to hide them or explain them...........we shall see how this goes.........there is a slight possibility that he may go to work for a couple of hours in the morning & if that's the case then I am sure I can totally pull it off, but if he doesn't, then I don't know............please say a prayer for me that I am somehow able to pull it off!!! I have managed to hide the rest of the food I bought for the party, or at least I think I have..........if he noticed he didn't say anything............
I think that's all the updates I have for now.....................
4 days ago
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