Friday, October 25, 2013

Homeschool Preschool Unit 11--The Time of the Judges

I am using Heart of Dakota's Little Hands to Heaven, Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons, various forms of Spanish, & reading aloud from a chapter book for my 4 year old son. 

This week focuses on the letter I & Gideon, Samson, & Ruth in the Bible.

First, I must say that on Saturday I realized I hadn't yet set up anything for Unit 11.  I normally do it Wednesday or Thursday.  Somehow I had forgotten.  I was a little under the weather last week, so I suppose that had something to do with it.  So I started working on setting up Unit 11 when I then realized that somehow I completely forgot I had a craft planned for last Friday, the last day of Unit 10.  We learned about God not letting the sun go down, so I had planned a cute sun craft.  This was really fun because it's made using cut outs of Lil J's traced hand prints.  I had 3 extra crafts scheduled last week, whereas I usually have 2.  So I guess that's how I forgot.  After I did 2 I thought I was done for the week.  This week, Unit 11, I have 3 scheduled once again, I'll have to be extra careful & make sure I don't forget any this week.  Anyways, so we did the sun craft on Saturday. 

On Monday we started off with a new fingerplay.  He read the words portion of reading lesson #83.  We read about Gideon choosing his army in the Bible.  We did an activity where Lil J had to show me what body parts I named.  He did very well, except he didn't know 'wrist', 'ankle', & 'waist'.  I guess I don't use those terms much with him.  Then he practiced writing "I" & "i".  He also wanted to write "J" & "j" since they are on the same tracer sheet, but it doesn't show in the photo.  Then we did a strange activity.  It said to draw a blue wavy "water" line across the bottom of the paper.  Then it said to draw a red smiley face on the upper left portion of the paper.  Then it said to trace your hand print on the upper right portion of the paper.  Lil J did all of this by himself.  Then it said to draw a circle around the hand print--I helped out with this.  And the point of all this was that God used the way men drank at the river to help Gideon choose an army.  I don't really see the connection there......but we did this activity anyways & then discussed what we had read in the Bible again.  Then we did an extra craft--making Gideon's torch.  I know our one & only lesson about Gideon doesn't mention his torch, but it was such a cool craft that I chose to include it anyway.  Then he read the sentences/paragraphs portion of his reading lesson, then we did Spanish, & then our songs.  A song about Judges & our usual books of the Bible & God made the universe.  I asked Lil J to bring me his tambourine, but he insisted on only drums today.  He set up both drums, the big one for him & the Indian drum for me.  Later I will read aloud from the Black Stallion & that'll be it for Monday.

On Tuesday we continued with our fingerplay, he read (& nailed) the words portion of reading lesson #83 (will be moving on to lesson #84 on Wednesday).  We read about Samson in the Bible.  We had a math activity about weighing stuff.  We managed to weigh a pound of cars LOL!!  He did 'Hide & Seek I', and 'count on me', drawing 2 weights in each box & adding up each box & then all the boxes.  Then he read the sentences/paragraphs portion of his reading lesson, then he colored a picture of Samson while I read to him in Spanish about Noah.  Then we did our songs--one about judges & then books of the Bible & God made the universe.  He again wanted drums rather than tambourine.  Later I'll read aloud from the Black Stallion, I think we'll be finishing it up this Friday & then we'll have to choose a new book.  I'm considering "Little house in the big woods", my fave from the Little House books.

On Wednesday we continued with our fingerplay, he read the words portion of reading lesson #84, we read about Samson in the Bible.  We made a "bean I"--I put glue in the shape of "I" on a paper & Lil J placed pinto beans on it.  We discussed what we read in the Bible & about Samson's God-given talents & our own God-given talents & we prayed & thanked God for our talents.  We also discussed the need for using our talents to glorify God & not for our own selfish desires.  Then we acted out what we read in the Bible, building pillars & Lil J pretending to be Samson & knocking them down.  Then he read the sentences/paragraphs portion of his reading lesson, then we did Spanish, & then our songs--a song about Judges, the books of the Bible, & God made the universe.  This day he wanted me to use the tambourine while he drummed.  Later I will read aloud from the Black Stallion. 

On Thursday we continued with our fingerplay, he read the words portion of reading lesson #84 (& will be moving on to lesson #85 on Friday).  We read in the Bible about Ruth.  We did our devotionals & then he practiced writing "I" & "i" & I added on numbers as well.  We discussed what we read in the Bible & made an extra Ruth craft.  Then he read the sentences/paragraphs portion of his reading lesson.  Then we did Spanish, then our songs.  We did the song about Judges, the books of the Bible, & God made the universe.  I also added on a 10 commandments song.  I've been wanting to find one & do it because I think it's an important thing to be memorized & memorization is easiest with singing.  There is a 10 commandment song on the CD set that came with our curriculum but I really don't like it.  So I found one that I like on YouTube.  I am planning to continue doing it daily with our other songs.  And then I read aloud from the Black Stallion.  Tomorrow we will finish up our last chapter of it & then we are planning to watch the movie. 

On Friday we continued with our fingerplay, then he read the words portion of reading lesson #85.  Then we read more about Ruth in the Bible.  We made a wheat stalk on paper, because Ruth collected wheat to make bread for herself & her mother in law.  Of course since my son & I have celiac disease I took this time to talk about that as well.  I am trying to find ways to educate my son on the fact that he cannot tolerate gluten & dairy.  Today was masking tape "I" day, Lil J always loves this day.  He had his cowboy riding on a motorcycle driving all over it.  We discussed what we read in the Bible, then we did Spanish & then he read the sentences/paragraphs portion of his reading lesson.  Then we did music--judges, books of the Bible, God made the universe, & 10 commandments.  Then I read the final chapter of the Black Stallion aloud.  We are going to watch the Black Stallion movie today.

I should add that Ruth is not a judge & on Thursday & Friday of this week there was no song to correlate. I did the judges song because A) we already did it Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday & B) I really really like the song.  

That's all for this week we learn about Samuel.

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