Monday, November 14, 2011

50 things about me

50 Things About Me.

A friend of mine shared this on her blog & I thought it was fun. If you decide to fill them out too, leave a comment here for me so I can check it out.  :)

1# Where were you 3 hours ago? - Cleaning floors & bathrooms

2# Who are you in love with? - My husband. My kids.

3# Have you ever eaten a crayon? - Can't say that I have

4# Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? - My pink Hummer tshirt I'm wearing

5# When is the last time you went to the mall? - Yesterday.  Funny, I VERY RARELY go there, but we did go yesterday to the Apple store for hubby's phone

6# Are you wearing socks right now? - Yep, it's chilly

7# Do you have a car worth over $2000? - Although I can't tell you it's exact value (hubby sure could, off the top of his head at that) I am quite positive that my Hummer is worth more than that, even with the gas prices the way they are

8# When was the last time you drove out of town? - A week ago Saturday, we took Lil J to the San Diego Zoo for the first time (it's about 2 hours South of us for those who don't know my area)

9# Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days? - Nope. The last movie I saw in the theater was the Book of Eli, whenever that was out.  I remember my stepdaughter saw it & she wanted me & hubby to see it so she babysat Lil J so we could go see it.  Aside from that we haven't been to the movies since way before Lil J was born.  Probably somewhere in 2007 I'd guess.

10# Are you hot? - It's low 70s here today, quite a perfect temperature actually

11# What was the last thing you had to drink? - Water & protein shake

12# What are you wearing right now? - Jeans & a pink Hummer tshirt

13# Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it? - I used to always do it myself, but then I had a baby (takes waaaaay too long to do while keeping baby entertained!), so these days usually my hubby does it, though occasionally we take it to a car wash; it's definitely due for a good detail job though

14# Last food you ate? - my home made nachos

15# Where were you last week at this time? - I think I was out running errands

16# Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? - not for myself, but did buy undershirts & socks for my stepson

17# When was the last time you ran? - this morning, on the treadmill

18# What's the last sporting event you watched? - hubby & stepson are constantly watching boxing so I guess that would be it, although I'm really not a boxing fan

19# What's your fave animal? - whales

20# Your dream vacation? - to return to Sequoia, a place we visited often when I was a kid; I also dream of flying to either Maine or Florida & renting a motorhome & travelling the whole eastern coast.

21# Last person's house you were in? - my own

22# Worst injury you've ever had? - wow, I've had quite a few, but I guess my neck injury from one of my many times I've been rear ended has been the worst because I have to live with the pain every single day for the rest of my life

23# Have you been in love - Yep yep

24# Do you miss anyone right now? - my hubby cuz he's at work

25# Last play you saw? - back in the mid-90s, it's been a while, that's for sure

26# What is your secret weapon to lure the opposite sex? - I've always vowed to not play games & never have played games.  However, my non-commital hubby sure got interested fast when I started to see someone else, though I surely didn't plan it that way

27# What are you plans for tonight? - nothing aside from the usual family dinner

28# Who is the last person you sent a myspace message or comment to? - I haven't been on MySpace in YEARS

29# Next trip you are going to take? - No clue, I want to take one to Sequoia & I want to take one to Wisconsin, but nothing in the works as of yet

30# Ever go to camp? - Nope, never.

31# Were you an honor roll student in school? - In college I could've been, but I never filled out the application for it, I was only out to impress myself (& God), so why bother

32# What do you want to know about the future? - I don't think I want to know anything about the future, it would just be one more thing to worry about

33# Are you wearing any perfume now? - Nope.

34# Are you due sometime this year for a doctor visit? - I am, yes. But the doc I've been seeing left the practive to be a SAHM & homeschool her kids.  So I'm waiting for them to replace her & then I'll schedule my physical

35# Where is your best friend? - At work

36# How is your best friend? - limping a little, but aside from that doing very well

37# Do you have a tan? - nope, it only leads to wrinkles & possible skin cancer

38# What are you listening to right now? - Lil J playing with his toys

39# Do you collect anything? - I like to collect whale figurines.  When we go somewhere travelling we usually get a magnet &/or coffee mug

40# Who is the biggest gossiper you know? - no clue..........

41# Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over? - Fall 2003 I believe

42# Have you ever drank soda from a straw? - I most certainly have

43# What does your last text message say? - sent: "He sure does!" received: "I'm glad to hear that!  You are very welcome!"

44# Do you like hot sauce? - sometimes, depends on what I'm eating & depends on how my bladder is feeling

45# Last time you took a shower? - this morning after I got off the treadmill

46# Do you need to do laundry? - I'm washing the throw rugs right now.  Tuesday & Wednesday are my usual laundry days these days.  And on Thursday this week I have to do our bedding & stepson's bedding

47# What is your heritage? - My father was German.  To my knowledge my mother is Irish, Dutch, & Native American, but I'm pretty sure there's more in there than that for my mom

48# Are you someone's best friend? - I am.

49# Are you rich? - I pray that I am acquiring wealth in Heaven, that's the only one that matters in the end

50# What were you doing at 12 am last night? - Sound asleep


Danielle-Marie said...

I love these things. I didn't know you drove a Hummer OR that your husband once had a fear of commitment (much like mine did).

Frau Guten Tag said...

When I married my hubby I had a Toytoa Tacoma pick up truck. It was fine when I was single, but marrying into a family of 4 made it REALLY tough. It did have an extended cab, but you really can't fit PEOPLE in there, even though they put little tiny seats & seatbelts, LOL. And grocery shopping for a family of 4 in that thing was such a NIGHTMARE. 2 years later, when I was graduating from college I was ready to buy a new vehicle. I knew I needed a family vehicle & I knew I wanted stick shift. I really prefer SUVs over other family vehicles. And the only SUVs that come in stick shift is the Nissan Xterra & the Hummer H3. It just so happened that my hubby had been working for BOTH Nissan & Hummer. I really preferred the look of the Hummer over the Xterra. It was quite a challenge getting it, even though they MAKE stick shift hummers they don't sell them in Southern CA, LOL!! Thank God my hubby worked for Hummer & had connections, it's the only way we got it & we got it dirt cheap at that! But I LOOOVE it, after having been rear ended so many times I finally feel SAFE (I can't take anymore injuries from being rear ended). And it really works well for grocery shopping.

One of these days I want to sit down & type out our love story as God wrote it. It would definitely be something to keep & I need to do it before we start forgetting things. But it's quite a story, that's for sure. :)

Unknown said...

This is fabulous! Great thing about NaBloPoMo is getting to know fellow bloggers better! You're rockin' the NaBloPoMo, amiga! :)

Frau Guten Tag said...

Thanks C!! The past few years or so I sat back & watched CalfKeeper & you do it & said to myself "next year", this year I finally jumped in

Danielle-Marie said...

I would love to hear/read your love story :)